Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bee Colony Collapse Disorder


So Here are some articles on the bee crisis I was talking about. For some reason I can't find the exact article where is had all the info nicely connected, but I found a bunch of articles that put together, give you the same idea. While I was going through some of these, I realized that this proposal we are making of this perfect little society with a complete healthy water cycle and efficient farming, can't completely be imune to problems from the outside. We need to account for the diseases the plants and other animals might get, for example. Specially with creatures like bees (I know you guys aren't really in love with them but the colony collapse disorder of the bees is totally failing the farming in the States and in oarts of Cananda) that migrate back and forth and are such a crucial part to the pollination of the plants.
So we gotta think of th

Check these out:

This one talks about the bee colony collapse disorder as a source of decline in bee populations.

This is a website linked to The University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences that talks bout the many different aspects of pollination and its importance. It’s kinna cool to look around it.
And if you’re just not feeling it, there is good article on wikipedia about Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) or honey bee depopulation syndrome (HBDS). Here’s a little blurb about how U.S. bee reantal travek extent affects the whole deal:
“One major U.S. beekeeper reports moving his hives from Idaho to California in January, then to apple orchards in Washington in March, to North Dakota two months later, and then back to Idaho by November—a journey of several thousand kilometres. Others move from Florida to New Hampshire or to Texas; nearly all visit California for the almond bloom in January.
Beekeepers in Europe and Asia are generally far less mobile, with bee populations moving and mingling within a smaller geographic extent (although some keepers do move longer distances, it is much less common). This wider spread and intermingling in the U.S. has resulted in far greater losses from Varroa mite infections in recent years.”

Sorry if it’s late and too long!!

Works Cited
Barakat, Matthew. "Bee Rental Common as Population Declines - ABC News." ABCNews.com - ABCNews.com: Breaking News, Vote 2010 Elections, Politics, World News, Good Morning America, Exclusive Interviews - ABC News.http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/story?id=120097&page=1 (accessed November 3, 2010).
"Colony collapse disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colony_collapse_disorder (accessed November 3, 2010).
The University of Georgia, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. "Pollination Home." Pollination: A Grower's Last Chance to Increase Yields. interests.caes.uga.edu/insectlab/Beehome.html (accessed November 3, 2010).

Posted by Paniz Moayeri (20375120) on November 3/2010

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